Graduates from U.S. universities are highly competent specialists who will always find high-paying jobs all over the world. Some well-known world corporations and holdings literally “hunt” for graduates of prestigious technical universities in order to get them in their staff. Education in the USA is not only a diploma, which is recognized all over the world, but also the type and character of actions, ways of analysis of information, positioning of own opinion, ability to work both independently and in a team. It is impossible to know everything, but if you know where and how to find the right information, this skill is many times more important.

The bachelor’s degree in the United States is the first level of higher education. Any American or international applicant with a high school diploma or preparatory education at a community college can apply for a bachelor’s degree in the United States. This is especially true for foreigners, as it allows them to tighten their language skills and adapt to the U.S. educational system and its workload.

In the educational program there are pre-university programs (Undergraduate), required for certain specialties. Undergraduate programs are equivalent to the first 2 years of college, and, accordingly, the student enters directly into the 3rd year. You can take this program at a college, major training centers, or institutes.

The bachelor’s degree is designed for 4 years and 1 year of internship (but courses may vary in length by (+/-) 6 months depending on the major. Academic year:

9 months of study;
2 semesters of 18 weeks (less often 3 semesters of 12 weeks);
2 summer months – vacations or optional educational programs.

The most common U.S. bachelor’s degrees are in medicine, finance, science, art, engineering, and philosophy. Each major contains dozens of concentrations and subjects, but this information will not appear on your diploma.

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